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  • 电焊 electric welding: i3h.cn/423
    ming2015-12-02 18:39
    荷兰语: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lassen

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    [diàn hàn]

    electric welding
    electric soldering
    electrical welding

    You must weld and grind this area before painting.
    Electric arc welding or cutting is performed.
    Electric welding is the heating of two pieces of metal to be welded by electricity.
    You must weld and grind this area before painting.
    The front and back cylinder is linked into an organic whole by the bolt and electric welding.
    Steel Tube for General Structure
    Temperature controlled lead-free Soldering Station - SGS Series
    Thin Wall Thickness Electric Welded Pipe Produced by CBR Forming Mill

    How to Master the Fiery Art of Gas Welding
    NOV 30, 2015 @ 1:00 PM CAR CULTURE

    Requiring a 6300-degree open flame and combustible  materials,
    gas welding has fallen out of favor.
    But it's a completely elemental experience.

    Ordinary people use three types of welding. This is not as boring as it sounds. For one thing, a weld joins two pieces of earth by melting them, and melting earth is awesome. But above that, it helps you build things. Brackets. Roll cages. Entire cars, from scratch. The only limit is the size of your bench.
    The two most modern types of home welding are MIG and TIG—for metal inert gas and tungsten inert gas. With each, you pay three or four figures for a computer-controlled box that feeds calibrated electricity and shielding gas into your hands. Or you can go the third route—gas welding—which takes skill, a 6300-degree flame, and little else.

    It should go without saying that we're pretty much in love with the third route.
    Gas welding joins metal using the heat of a torch burning both oxygen and a secondary fuel. A filler rod is usually blended into the weld for strength. The practice has been around since the late 1800s, but the most common form, developed by the French a century ago, uses an oxyacetylene flame. So-called oxy-fuel welding supplanted the relatively ancient forge welding,  which involves heating two pieces of metal, then hammering them together.  (The urge to make a "hammered hot things" joke here will be ignored, because we are all adults.)

    Andrew Trahan
    MIG and TIG dominate the car world because they produce consistent welds with low risk and a modicum of skill. Gas welding generally fell out of favor for opposite reasons. Both oxygen and acetylene are combustible, but more important, there are a lot of places you just don't want an open flame.
    Josh Welton is a MIL-SPEC government fabricator from Mount Clemens, Michigan. In the evenings, he's a welding instructor and artist whose work has been praised by men like Ken Block and Icon 4x4 founder Jonathan Ward. He's a great teacher and a man in love with his craft, so we went to his shop to learn to gas weld.

    12个回复, 0个喜欢
    评论1 来自于:ming
    2015-12-02 19:30   0人喜欢
    "Acetylene torches changed the world," Welton told me. "There's an old story about the guys who used to cut 12-inch holes in steel ships, for windows. They'd heat it up with hydrogen and chip away at it, weeks to do one hole. Then a guy came in with acetylene, which burns much hotter, and it became something you could do in a day. It's mostly used for cutting now, but you can weld almost anything with the right flux and filler. You can take it anywhere, no power source, a whole setup for a few hundred dollars. It's incredibly simple."
    I glanced at the torpedo-shaped fuel tank at his shop's back wall. "You know," Welton said, "one of my favorite sentences in the textbook is, 'Above 15 psi, acetylene becomes unstable, in danger of decomposition and violent explosion.' Guys have blown themselves up. But if you're smart about it …"

    So I tried to not blow myself up. Who knew it took so little in terms of hardware? Even the most evolved gas-weld setup is little more than a torch, a pair of fuel tanks, and a stick of filler. The torch itself is a supply tube with a calibrated nozzle and two knobs to control the gas. Larger torches make greater heat; smaller ones are more wieldy and easier to focus. Welton said the mid-size unit I tried was larger than we needed, but it looked "more badass. With gas, that's half the draw."
    You crack the acetylene first, sparking it with a flint lighter. The result is a syrupy black smoke, carbonizing, then a feathery orange flame as you trim the gas. Oxygen sharpens the fire, producing bluish inner and outer cones. Flame size equals temperature and focus: Ideally, you want a teardrop-shaped flame-within-a-flame. To weld eighth-inch steel, our inner cone was the size of a pencil eraser.

    "You don't need violence," Welton said. "A neutral flame, each gas equal. More acetylene embrittles; more oxygen cuts the metal." So you adjust it by eye, every time.

    Watching Welton was hypnotic. You heat two pieces of steel. They glow for a surprisingly long time, then—smack!—pop into liquid, the metal molten and alive. Darkened welding glasses save your retinas and block out everything but the puddle of lava beneath the torch. In the hands of a master, it's a consistent alchemy, quick and seemingly inexorable.


    Welton killed the torch and handed it to me. It was oddly heavy for something you hold like a pencil. The metal he had heated dulled, then flashed gray. I relit the torch, balanced the flame, and focused on the work. And almost immediately, I found myself watching the heat. Adding rod cools the puddle, so it's a game of maintenance. Also elemental. You move the torch in a circular pattern, keeping the weld in the flame's atmosphere to avoid contamination. You stitch steel and your skin warms. The rest of the world disappears.
    Ten minutes in, I found myself either ahead of or behind the weld, chasing it or trying to speed it up. Welding consistently was easy, but only if I gave up on appearance or strength. If I fixed one thing, I lost another. It felt like fast driving: Think about a hundred things, but above all, relax.

    "The cool thing," Welton said, "is how you can just buy a pair of bottles at Home Depot and fix anything. I think the new generation thinks you have to have a TIG welder. But it's like one of the guys I teach with said—if I'm stranded on an island, give me oxygen, acetylene, and a torch."
    Why does that sound so appealing? At Welton's shop, I made a few knickknacks from scrap steel. I took one home and set it on my desk. I've welded before, but this piece was different. No machine. It came from my hands.
    评论2 来自于:ming
    2015-12-02 20:09   0人喜欢

    加热欲接合之工件使之局部熔化形成熔池(英语:Weld pool),熔池冷却凝固后便接合,必要时可加入熔填物(英语:Filler metal)辅助



    Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing fusion, which is distinct from lower temperature metal-joining techniques such as brazing and soldering, which do not melt the base metal. In addition to melting the base metal, a filler material is often added to the joint to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools to form a joint that can be as strong as the base material. Pressure may also be used in conjunction with heat, or by itself, to produce a weld.
    Some of the best known welding methods include:
    • Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) - also known as "stick welding or electric welding", uses an electrode that has flux, the protectant for the puddle, around it. The electrode holder holds the electrode as it slowly melts away. Slag protects the weld puddle from atmospheric contamination.
    • Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) - also known as TIG (tungsten, inert gas), uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld. The weld area is protected from atmospheric contamination by an inert shielding gas such as Argon or Helium.
    • Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) - commonly termed MIG (metal, inert gas), uses a wire feeding gun that feeds wire at an adjustable speed and flows an argon-based shielding gas or a mix of argon and carbon dioxide (CO2) over the weld puddle to protect it from atmospheric contamination.
    • Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) - almost identical to MIG welding except it uses a special tubular wire filled with flux; it can be used with or without shielding gas, depending on the filler.
    • Submerged arc welding (SAW) - uses an automatically fed consumable electrode and a blanket of granular fusible flux. The molten weld and the arc zone are protected from atmospheric contamination by being "submerged" under the flux blanket.
    • Electroslag welding (ESW) - a highly productive, single pass welding process for thicker materials between 1 inch (25 mm) and 12 inches (300 mm) in a vertical or close to vertical position.
    评论3 来自于:ming
    2015-12-02 20:14   0人喜欢

    荷兰语: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lassen
    Lassen is het verbinden van materialen door druk en/of warmte, waarbij het materiaal op de verbindingsplaats in vloeibare of deegachtige toestand wordt gebracht (hoewel er ook uitzonderingen zijn, zie kouddruklassen), terwijl al of niet materiaal met ongeveer dezelfde samenstelling wordt toegevoegd, waarbij continuïteit ontstaat tussen de te verbinden delen.
    Anders dan bij solderen smelt bij lassen ook het materiaal van het werkstuk, dus niet alleen het toevoegmateriaal.

    俄语: Русский  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сварка
    Сварка — процесс получения неразъёмных соединений посредством установления межатомных связей между свариваемыми частями при их местном или общем нагреве, пластическом деформировании или совместном действии того и другого[1].
    Неразъёмное соединение, выполненное с помощью сварки, называют сварным соединением[1]. Чаще всего с помощью сварки соединяют детали из металлов. Однако сварку применяют и для неметаллов — пластмасс, керамики или их сочетания.
    При сварке используются различные источники энергии: электрическая дуга, электрический ток, газовое пламя, лазерное излучение, электронный луч, трение, ультразвук. Развитие технологий позволяет в настоящее время проводить сварку не только в условиях промышленных предприятий, но в полевых и монтажных условиях (в степи, в поле, в открытом море и т. п.), под водой и даже в космосе. Процесс сварки сопряжён с опасностью возгораний; поражений электрическим током; отравлений вредными газами; поражением глаз и других частей тела тепловым, ультрафиолетовым, инфракрасным излучением и брызгами расплавленного металла.
    Сварка осуществима при следующих условиях:
    1) применении очень больших удельных давлений сжатия деталей, без нагрева;
    2) нагревании и одновременном сжатии деталей умеренным давлением;
    3) нагревании металла в месте соединения до расплавления, без применения давления для сжатия.
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