本课程讲授民商法领域的英美法经典案例,每个知识点对应一个案例。追根溯源,使学生加深领会我国民商法现行制度的起源和精髓。主讲教师为留美归国人员,课程教学体现启发式特点,深入浅出,活泼生动,将案例教学与双语教学相结合。旨在提高法学专业学生的专业素养,拓展非法学专业学生的国际视野。 图片 课程概述 课程内容简介 《外国民商案例选读》以合同法、买卖法、合伙法和公司法为主要对象,选择在普通法国家法学院教材中的经典案例(英文),采用双语讲授普通法相关基本概念、理论原则和制度规则,是法学专业教育系列中的一门(双语)专题选修课程。 课程的主要内容分为三个部分: 第一部分:合同法。涉及合同成立、合同效力、合同履行以及违约救济等主要内容。选读案例包括Felthouse v. bindley ;Carlill v. carbolic smoke ball co.;Central London Property Trust Ltd v. High Trees House Ltd等经典案例。 第二部分:买卖法。涉及“格式之战”“商销性”“可预见规则”等规则。选读案例包括:Butler machine tool co. v. ex-cell-o corp.;Morrison’s Cafeteria v. Haddox;Hadley v. baxendale等经典案例。 第三部分:合伙法和公司法。涉及事实合伙、有限责任公司和公司的经营目标等内容。选读案例包括:Grissum v. reesman;Salonmon v. salomon & co., ltd;Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.等经典案例。 本课程通过双语教学的方式,让学生接触原汁原味的英美国家合同法、买卖法、合伙法和公司法的经典判例,既能使学生了解英美法相关民商法的基本理论、基本规则和公共政策,从而进一步理解中国合同法以及国际统一合同立法的渊源;也能提高学生的专业英语水平,为国际经济法专业课的学习奠定基础,使学生具备从事国际法律实务的基本技能和素质。 本课程成绩采用百分制。 证书要求 本课程采用百分制计分,平时单元测验10%,为客观题;平时单元作业20%,为主观题,需要完成作业提交和完成规定的互评数量;随堂布置的课程讨论的表现10%;课程结束考试60%。60分及以上为合格,80分及以上为优秀。 电子版的课程结业证书免费。纸质版认证证书收费:100元/人。 预备知识 本课程为零起点课程,如有民法、商法和法律英语作为先修课程则更佳。 授课大纲 1 Introduction (概述) 1.1 Introduction to the course (课程导读) 视频:Introduction to Common Law (英美法导读),Court Reports(判决书阅读) 1.2 Introduction to Contract Law(合同法概述) 视频:Freedom of Contract and Public Policy (公共政策),Quasi-Contract(准合同) Case: Shaheen v. Knight Case: Credit Bureau Enterprises, Inc. v. Pelo 2 Contract LawⅠ (合同法之一) 2.1 Enforcing Promises(可执行的合意) 视频:Intention to be bound(订约意图) Case: Balfour v. Balfour 2.2 Consensus(合意) 视频:Offeree(要约的对象),Acceptance(承诺的方式) Case: Felthouse v. Bindley Case: Carlill V. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co 3 Contract LawⅡ(合同法之二) 3.1 Validity of Contract(合同的效力) 视频:Validity of Contract Part Ⅰ 合同效力(上),Validity of Contract Part Ⅱ 合同效力(下) 3.2 Consideration (对价制度) 视频:Consideration(对价),Past Consideration(过去的对价) Case: Collins v. Collins Case: Webb V. Mcgowin 4 Contract Law Ⅲ(合同法之三) 4.1 Mistake & Mispresentation(错误与欺诈) 视频:Common Mistake(共同错误),Mispresentation(错误陈述) Case: Wood v. Boynton and brother Case: Hill V. Jones 4.2 Justification for Nonperformance(不正当影响) 视频:Actual Undue Influence(实际的不正当影响),presumed undue influence(推定的不正当影响) Case: Odorizzi V. Bloomfield School District Case: Goldsworthy V. Brickell 5 Sales LawⅠ(买卖法之一) 5.1 Conclusion of Sales Contract(买卖合同的订立) 视频:Sales by Automatic Machine(通过自动售货机订立的合同),Estoppel(允诺禁反言) ,Battle of Forms(格式之战) Case: Thornton V. Shoe Lane Parking Ltd Case: High Trees Case: Butler Machine Tool Co. v. Ex-Cell-O Corp. 5.2 Interpretation of Contract(买卖合同的解释) 视频:Principles of Interpretation(合同解释的一般原则) Case: Frigaliment Importing Co v. B. N. S. International Sale Corp. 6 Sales LawⅡ (买卖法之二) 6.1 Duty of the Seller(卖方义务) 视频:Merchantability(商销性) Case: Morrison’s Cafeteria v. Haddox Case: Jacob & Youngs, Inc. v. Kent 6.2 Remedies(违约救济) 视频:Fundamental Breach(根本违约),Reasonable Foreseeability(可预见规则),Punitive Damages(惩罚性的损害赔偿) Case: Hadley V. Baxendale Case: White v. Benkowski 7 Business Organizations Law(商事组织法) 7.1 Corporation Law(公司法) 视频:Legal entity separate and distinct from its members(有限责任公司的概念),Piercing the corporation veil(揭开公司面纱),Powers of Directors(公司的目标),Business Judgment Rule(公司的管理) Case: Salomon v. Salomon & co., ltd Case: Bartle v. Home Owners Cooperative Case: Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. Case: Shlensky v. Wrigley 7.2 Partnership(合伙法) 视频:Factual Partnership(事实合伙) Case : Grissum v. Reesman 8 Torts (侵权法) Rules in Tort(侵权法规则) 视频:殴打,非法监禁 Case: Emmit E. Fisher v. Carrousel Motor Hotel, Inc., et al. Case: Elizabeth A. Enright v. J. A. Groves and the City of Fort Collins 9 期末考试 |
发布于:2017-05-11 09:43
SELECTED LEADING CASE IN COMMON LAW INTRODUCTION Contract law, sales, partnership and corporation law are the main contents of this course. Cases are selected from leading case of common law. The course is taught both in English and Chinese. It is one of the optional course of School of Humanities and Law of Northeastern University. The course is divided into three parts: Part I Contract law, which includes formation of contract, effect of contract, performance of contract and remedies. Cases includes Felthouse v. bindley ;Carlill v. carbolic smoke ball co.;Central London Property Trust Ltd v. High Trees House Ltd; Part II Sales law, which includes rules like “battle of forms”,”merchantability”,”foresee rule” etc. Cases includes Butler machine tool co. v. ex-cell-o corp.;Morrison’s Cafeteria v. Haddox;Hadley v. Baxendale; Part III Partnership and Corporation Law, which includes implicit partnership, limited liability corporation ect. Cases includes Grissum v. reesman;Salonmon v. salomon & co., ltd;Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. ect. The case book is in English, and be taught both in English and Chinese, which give students the opportunity to learn common law as it is taught in the law school of common law countries. Students will learn both commercial law and English at the same time, and will gain the ability to practice international commercial law in the future. Score system: Hundred-mark system |