This documentary traces the history of interaction between Chinese and other cultures of the world. Beginning from the 9th century, Chinese porcelain has been popular in almost every important place and time in history. Many foreign adventurers came to China in search of fine porcelain. 《瓷路》是一部与瓷器有关的真实故事,而中国,则是这一切故事的起点。 This documentary is the true story of porcelain, a story about entrepreneurship, adventure, wealth, war and sunken ships. 《瓷路》多语种版 关于《瓷路》 本片聚焦中国陶瓷文化对世界产生的深远影响。从9世纪的大唐帝国到19世纪的鸦片战争,从中亚到罗马,从世界重要沿海口岸到欧洲各大首都,历史上重要的地标和时间点都被中国陶瓷的故事所标注。在这贯穿全球的瓷器之路上充满了创业、探险、财富、战争和沉船的重大事件。《瓷路》是一部与瓷器有关的真实故事,而中国,则是这一切故事的起点。 第一集 抟土 瓷器经过古代丝绸之路来到欧洲,它是中外文化交流史的见证。 第二集 梦幻 长安的华丽繁茂让胡商瞠目结舌,这里的丝绸和瓷器更是让他们喜爱无比。 第三集 天青 宋代天青色的汝瓷和洁白的白瓷艺术达到了中国瓷器美学的巅峰。 第四集 异彩 景德镇是瓷器之乡,尤其在南宋时期,景德镇烧制的瓷器大放异彩。 第五集 望海 由瓷器、茶叶为主要商品的中西方贸易逆差初现端倪,为数百年后的鸦片战争埋下伏笔。 第六集 窑变 中国瓷器闻名中外,大批外国人在利益的驱使下来到中国,将中国瓷器运往国外。 Porcelain StoryMore
About Documentary 'Porcelain Story' This documentary traces the history of interaction between Chinese and other cultures of the world. Beginning from the 9th century, Chinese porcelain has been popular in almost every important place and time in history. Many foreign adventurers came to China in search of fine porcelain. This documentary is the true story of porcelain, a story about entrepreneurship, adventure, wealth, war and sunken ships. Porcelain Story: Part 1 Porcelain Story: Part 2 Porcelain Story: Part 3 Porcelain Story: Part 4 Porcelain Story: Part 5 Porcelain Story: Part 6 |