About Documnetary 'Mt. Huangshan' Embodying charms of all famous mountains, Mt. Huangshan is uniformly acclaimed as "the mountain belittling all elsewhere". As China's only world-class scenic resort laurelled with titles of World Cultural Heritage Site, World Natural Heritage Site and World Geopark, Mt. Huangshan is globally renowned for its magnificent and spectacular natural landscapes as well as its profound and long-standing culture. The 6-episode HD documentary "Mt. Huangshan" has revealed the unparalleled sceneries, social life, natural features, history and culture of Mt. Huangshan as "the most amazing mountain". 《大黄山》多语种版 关于《大黄山》 黄山,集天下名山之大成,赢得“登黄山天下无山”的认同。作为目前中国惟一的集世界文化遗产、世界自然遗产、世界地质公园三顶桂冠于一身的世界级风景名胜区,黄山以其奇伟壮美的自然风光、悠远深邃的人文底蕴享誉世界。该片由中央电视台和安徽广播电视台联合出品,央视纪录频道和安徽台科教频道共同承制、黄山风景区管理委员会合作拍摄。全景展示了黄山和徽文化之美。立足国际化视野,把脉国内外市场,展示黄山作为“天下第一奇山”的绝美风光、社会生活、自然风物和历史人文,力求全面生动地诠释“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的真谛。 第一集 人间仙境 因奇松、怪石、云海、冬雪、温泉得名的“黄山五绝”,搜尽了天下奇景。 第二集 生灵天堂 几千年来,黄山山脉给森林中奔跑游动的生灵提供了无限的物质资源。 第三集 石破天惊 黄帝的事迹主要集中在中国北方,而黄山偏隅东南,二者为何会联系在一起? 第四集 筑梦徽州 本期我们就深入黄山山脉,见证黄山人那精湛的手工工艺。 第五集 山水画卷 几千年的绘画史中,只有黄山诞生了中国唯一的以山岳命名的画派。 第六集 秘境之地 公元2000年前后,黄山屯溪的山民在一个充满传奇的日子里发现了一个规模宏大的石窟群。 Mt HuangshanMore
About Documnetary 'Mt. Huangshan' Embodying charms of all famous mountains, Mt. Huangshan is uniformly acclaimed as "the mountain belittling all elsewhere". As China's only world-class scenic resort laurelled with titles of World Cultural Heritage Site, World Natural Heritage Site and World Geopark, Mt. Huangshan is globally renowned for its magnificent and spectacular natural landscapes as well as its profound and long-standing culture. The 6-episode HD documentary "Mt. Huangshan" has revealed the unparalleled sceneries, social life, natural features, history and culture of Mt. Huangshan as "the most amazing mountain". Part 1 - Earthly Paradise Part 2 - Wildlife paradise Part 3 - Footprints of the legends Part 4 - Dream builders Part 5 - Scrolls of Mountains and Waters Part 6 - A Mystical Realm |